Whole Body Thermography.
Most tests measure the underlying anatomy system. We want to pick up dysfunction to prevent disease. European thermography uses thermoregulation, neuroscience, and the autonomic nervous system. It looks at the dynamic aspect of the body and how the system functions. This test measures the functional aspect of the body.
Monitoring the body's functioning and detecting any dysregulation or dysfunction at an early stage is crucial for preventive healthcare. Regular assessments and measurements can help identify potential health issues before they progress into irreversible diseases.
We have to come to a testing and comprehension of the body that comes much earlier than the diagnoses. The regulation of body temperature is one of the finest tools to see the expression of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and to comprehend phenomena that lead to diseases, such as the situation of intestinal system, the toxicity of the body, and the reactivity of the body.
Thomas Rau MD, author of best seller The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health
Thermoregulation is the process by which an organism maintains its internal body temperature within a certain range, despite changes in the external environment. It is a vital physiological function that helps ensure the proper functioning of cellular processes and metabolic reactions.
In humans, thermoregulation is primarily controlled by the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that acts as the body’s thermostat. When the body temperature deviates from the set point, the hypothalamus initiates appropriate responses to restore the temperature to the normal range.
This is a whole body assestment of how the functional body works. it is important to measure the body before a dysfuction turns into a irreversable disease. This is a preventative tool to monitor dysregulation and begin to make changes at an earlier stage of body dysfunction.

How it works
European thermography utilizes infrared measurements of skin temperatures over 100 body points which are taken before and after exposure to a cool ambient room temperature.
It can identify various issues such as immune system challenges, toxic overload, and patterns of organ dysfunction. By focusing on identifying the underlying causes, regulation thermography helps guide strategies.

What does Regulation Thermography measure?
Intestinal Disorders
Endocrine function
Brain Function
Prostate Function
Liver Function
Dental & Gum Conditions
Heart Function
Pulmonary Function
Lymphatic Function